Lisa Haisha, celebrity life coach in Los Angeles and counselor to some of America’s biggest Hollywood stars, has launched a new life coach certification program designed to educate prospective life coaches to the benefits of “Soul Blazing™”
Bill Rusling is a leading life coach and NLP practitioner from Sheffield who assures success in both personal and business relations through effective and tailor made NLP coaching
Victoria, BC — February 14, 2012. What are the next steps on your career path? Join life-coach and author Julia James in a life-defining, career-changing workshop.
Women are where they are at today due in large part to the encouragement from others and the hard work of various women empowerment organizations. Chris Grumm is one such leader who has worked relentlessly for three decades to bring change.
If you’re coming to the end of the year and realize that you once again failed to fulfill your numerous resolutions set so long ago, then you will be amazed at what this training can do for you.
So often small business owners find it challenging to identify and employ dependable people with skills to perform at high levels with any longevity. And when they do, they must stay competitive to keep them working.
Success comes easy for some women while others constantly strive for it. Many sacrifice themselves, their relationships and their children to achieve.
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